Red, thanks so much for helping me do the blog!! You are an awsome friend for which I do not feel worthy of. Love Ya
Shelly, thanks for just being there. You are truly a best friend and I love you for all you do!!
Dad and Mom, without you I would have had to be committed by now. I love you with all my heart and you are together my rock.
Lee and Rosa, two people with the most loving hearts and doing whatever it took to help us out. We love you so very much!
Kendra, for all the calls to make sure I'm ok. That really means a lot, even though its hard to talk about. I love you sis.
Aaron and Jenny, the two people who some how are going through the same stuff we have been through in this last year. If you're going to copy someone, it needs to be the good stuff!! I love you guys just for always being there.
Nick, for checking on both of us all the time and for the call to CNN. I love you!!
Jennifer Dickson, thanks for the calls and the hooter pump! You took away one less thing I had to worry about. I love you. You are a great friend.
Jaq and Peter, thanks for putting all things aside and thinking of us. You really touched my heart. Zane has the bear with him in NICU. Thanks so much.
My mom's bunco group, thanks so much for all the food. You are truly women of God.
Debra and Penny, thanks for coming by to check on us. You are truly really great people. The flowers are beautiful.
Ariel and Daniel, thanks for thinking of us when you yourselves are going through some tough times, health wise. We love you guys and Daniel is in our prayers too!
Cathy and Jel, thanks for the laughs when it was truly hard just to breath. You are angels for just being there.
Uncle Rene, for blessing our baby Zane. That means alot to us. We love you.
NICU nurses and Doctors, your the best and you make all of this possibe. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
My Dad George, thanks for the thoughts and prays. I know we dont talk much, but I know you care.
Aunt Laura we loved spending time with you. You are so sweet and caring. Thanks for being Creed's BFF for a week, he loves you so much, we all do.
Kendra thanks for the premie clothes and the money, you did not need to do all that, but we love you for it. Every little bit helps. I love you sis and wish you were here!!
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