Monday, June 22, 2009

Say Cheese!!

Zane is doing good, weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces. He also turned 2 months old this last week. All he does right now is eat and sleep, he eats every 2 and a half hours and eats 3 ounces a feeding. Doctor said is gaining like he should be. Zane also has his own Therapist that has started coming out to the house. She will be working with him 2 times a month to help him with his range of motion and muscle tone. This is one of the side effects
of his condition. Zane is still on a apnea monitor and on medication to remind him breath but is doing really good. Maybe just 30 more days with it.
We had his baby shower last week and it was a great turn out. Thanks to all the people who came out that really meant a lot to me. Thanks to my mom, Rosa, Shelly ,Jenny, and Betsy for all there hard work. Thanks for all the gifts they were truly all blessings.


Gaylene said...

Oh my goodness he's so cute. I'm so glad to hear he's gaining like he should. I wish I could have come to your baby shower. I would love to see you and meet your sweet babes. The cake is awesome, really cute.
Take care

Baby Zane said...

I really wish you were here Red!! We miss you!!